Friday, November 29, 2019

Economics 26121 Essays - Eurozone, Economy Of The European Union

Economics 26121 September 18, 1999 The Euro To most people in the United States hearing the word Euro brings about blank stares. Ask this same question in England or another European country and it means bringing Europe together under one common currency. The Euro can be defined as the common monetary system by which the participating members of the European Community will trade. Eleven countries Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Finland and Italy will comprise the European Economic Monetary Union that will set a side their national currency and adopt the Euro in 2002. A new National bank, based in Frankfurt Germany, will be constructed and the interest rates that control the economies of these nations will be in the hands of this new system. It is indeed a great experiment, being masterminded in Frankfurt, one that will be felt through out Europe as well as the rest of the world.1 The combined countries, now more commonly referred to as Euroland, will fall under one national bank. This bank, the European Central Bank, will determine the economic fate of the entire "Union". The merging of eleven currencies is a daunting and somewhat lethal task. The ECB is comprised of seventeen members, each having one vote within the governing council. What has most Europeans concerned is the ECB's secrecy of conducting business. There is no voting record nor will there be published minutes of the meeting that take place. Wim Duisenberg president of the ECB and a native Dutchman stated that he wanted the ECB to be one of the most open banks in the world.1 When BBC reporter Steve Levinson confronted him about this in Frankfurt Germany Wim replied I reconcile these two positions by not defining openness as publishing everything that will be available, but by defining openness as explaining every decision, every consideration. Also the pros and cons and to be very open about that and to be frequent and immediate in that openness. (Livinston, Euroland 3) Why does the ECB operation so much secrecy? Is does not want economic policy moved by political influence. In January of this year the Bank of Ireland became a regional branch of the ECB. Morris O'Connell, its governor, supports the ECB's tight lips stating I don't think it's appropriate that you should be announcing how each person may have voted. I think you're creating other pressures then, you're creating pressure on individual members to reflect just the national viewpoint. Where we are required under this treaty to take a European perspective on things. (Livinson 5) This treaty O'Connell refers to is the Maastrich Treaty. It is the foundation for holding together the ECB and the fait of the Euro. It was constructed in such a way that is completely out of reach of the politicians. This way, national views of one country will not effect the entire economic view of the European Economic Monetary Union. One view is certain now, the Euro will happen and the ECB will be driving the train. What is good for the whole may not be good for the parts. This statement sums up the difficulty of bringing the Euro into reality. Topping the concern is the setting of interest rates through out the EMU. Interest rates normalize any economy and are the foundations of them as well. But does one interest rate in Ireland function the same in Germany? When one economic country is in economic crises how will the ECB react? These are just a few of the many economic problems that will have to be solved, as the day of the Euro becomes closer and closer. Both businesses within the European Economic Monetary Union and outside of it as well, will feel the impact of the Euro. Although currency has yet to be coined, today trade using the Euro has begun. The conversion rates have been set for the eleven nations that will partake. If business outside of the EMU thinks that they will be unaffected by the Euro they have a surprise in store. When it fully takes effect all trade for gods and services will be conducted with the Euro. Companies that trade within the EMU will no longer have to worry about costly conversion rates and

Monday, November 25, 2019

buy custom Components in Development of Literacy Skills essay

buy custom Components in Development of Literacy Skills essay First, phonological awareness is a necessity in literacy development where the spoken language is taken apart in different ways such as breaking sentences into words and words into syllables. Consequently, the syllables are then separated into smaller but individual sounds known as phonemes. This forms the foundation of literacy development where one can distinguish different sounds. In learning to read essay, Sophia, who treated Fredrick as one of her children, began training him on phonological awareness where she would teach him the alphabet as well as three to four-letter words (Peterson and Brereton 230). The knowledge Fredrick gained made him learn more because he was in a position to read. Moreover, word identification is also a component of literacy skills development. Word identification refers to the skills a reader uses with an aim of identifying words when spelling or reading. Both learning to read and one writers beginning, depict situations where Fredrick and Welty respectively learnt to read and write from through assistance of their guardian in word identification. Most important, word identification comprises of configuration use as well as sight word recognition. Oral language development forms the fundamental element of literacy. Oral language development is achieved through informal or even guided conversation. In the Weltys narrative, one writers beginning, it is evident that Welty literacy development was instigated by informal oral awareness (Peterson and Brereton 628). Often, Welty would hear her mother read stories and through this, she learnt how to read. Similarly, according to a room of ones own, Woolf literacy skills development was enhanced by oral language. She learnt how to ask questions that made him to gain more knowledge. There are different components of literacy skills development. These include Phonological awareness word identification and language development. Phonological awareness is a necessity in literacy development where the spoken language is taken apart indifferent ways such as breaking sentences into words and words into syllables. Moreover, word identification refers to the skills a reader uses with an aim of identifying words when spelling or reading. On the other hand, language development is achieved through informal or even guided conversation. Buy custom Components in Development of Literacy Skills essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cluster Analysis Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cluster Analysis - Research Proposal Example The coefficient of stage one is 1788. The cluster under stage two has one group under it and cluster has two groups under it. The coefficient under stage two for both clusters is 33445. Based on the criteria of years as member of the club, distance from the club and club membership, The cluster with the most population is the distance from the club group. The next cluster belongs to the group years as member. The last cluster belongs to the group club membership. This only shows that the nearness or the long travel time is a big factor in decision making for both the customers the management. Therefore, since distance is big factor in the invitation for new members to use the beautify facilities of the club, then the club must first entice people living near the club. This also shows that there are not as many member presently because only a few members as compared to the total guests of the club. It is noticed that the club membership cluster is the lowest of the three criteria. This statistical data shows that it is the difficulty of companies to maintain or even increase the present members. Based on the criteria importance of pool facilities, importance of tennis facilities and importance of challenge of golf, the cluster no. one has two groups under it and cluster two has three groups under its wings for the same stage. ... one has two groups under it and cluster two has three groups under its wings for the same stage. The coefficient of stage one is 479.295. The cluster under stage two has one group under it and cluster no. two has two groups under it. The coefficient under stage two for both clusters is 2015.879. Based on the criteria importance of pool facilities, importance of tennis facilities and importance of challenge of golf, there is a big cluster around importance of pool facilities. Then the second cluster is belongs to the importance of tennis facilities criteria. The last cluster belongs to the importance of golf criteria. The above shows that the importance of pool facilities is a very strong marketing tool to increase the company sales. This also shows that more people in the club prefer to go and while away the sunshine at the pool area while the other members prefer to go tennis. This is a very powerful tool to help increase the profitability of the business. It is also relaxing to do business thinking while splashing that pool water onto the face to refresh the tired thinker. More people prefer pool because it is relaxing. Also, it is so nice to look at the beautiful bodies of men and women as the wear their swimwear. We can think of a possible business like, swimwear. Whereas, the people who love tennis and gold will have to sweat it out to enjoy. Tennis is mostly for the teenagers or below forty year old population. Whereas gold, is only for the rich man, real rich that is. The golf clubs cost so much. The golf bag and other gold accessories are sold at very prohibitively high prices. This shows that more people

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Implenting Dorothy Orem's nursing theory on a psychiatric practice Essay

Implenting Dorothy Orem's nursing theory on a psychiatric practice unit - Essay Example The contribution of the patients toward their care is apparent. This proceeds to the evaluation of the role of nurses in the sustainability of effective nursing techniques. Evaluation However, prior to the evaluation of the contribution of the Orem's theory to the generation of effective nursing techniques, it is vital to evaluate the description that is painted from the embrace of the theory. Orem's theory is established from a connection of actively interrelated assertions that steer towards the development of a common idea. The theory places its aim at configuring out different avenues upon which the central aim can be attained (Z?eleznik, 2010). This aim is narrowed along the improvement of the service, as the desires and interests of the patient are prioritized. The developments of these assertions are built along a logic approach. This implicates that the development of the theory is founded on an interweave of logical assertions and principles. This perception assists in the d evelopment of an effective theory in terms of acceptance (Barbosa & Severinsson, 2010). Pointing on the nature of the theory, a general conclusion can be ascertained on its simplicity in terms of ease of understanding. It is eminent that the utilization or the adoption of this theory is highly pegged on the ease upon which its effective implementation can be achieved. The developments of complications along the deciphering of its content are highly reduced since the perception or the development of a reliable conclusion is easily attained. The development of successful scientific theories is strengthened by the ability to allow for the integration of increased abilities to evaluate each hypothesis proposed by the theory. It is eminent that the integration of successful evaluation methodologies is essential in the development of ultimate faith in scientific theories. This can be reflected in the Orem's theory, which allows for the utilization of simplified methodologies towards the e valuation of its relevance. Such backgrounds contribute grossly to the development of convenient nursing options for the medical world. It is apparent that the development of the Orem's theory focused on achieving these assertions. This is with regard to the structure upon which it is developed. The simplicity in deduction plays a contributory role in the development of effective adoption models for the theory. Upon evaluating the streaking points that seek to define the perception upon which the theory is developed, it is essential to identify the details that jolt the theory. Apparently, Orem's theory is founded on three principle assertions that can be defined as the sub theories to the main idea. Amongst these is the theory of self-care, a theory that seeks to improve the standards upon which health care can be improved. This aspect of the general Orem's theory seeks to identify health care as an international religion subscribed by each individual. The central aim rests at ensu ring that the perceptions of safety (with regard to health) are not solely based on the shoulders of the nurses but to the patients, as well (Barbosa & Severinsson, 2010). The theory seeks to re-cluster the whole ideology of effective health by distributing it to the individuals that stand to reap the utmost benefits of effective health care practices. This refers to the patients who can be defined as

Monday, November 18, 2019

Industrial Services of America Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Industrial Services of America Inc - Essay Example It is evident that a number of factors including promotion, job security, approval from peers and management, and appraisals, motivate employees in an organizational scenario. Internal factors, such as ethics, values, and morals of the organization affect the motivation and work output of the employees. A successful organization ensues that its employees are well motivated because they are the organization itself. An organization should study and structure its throughput variables in a manner that will enhance employee motivation. The knowledge of throughput variable interaction is essential for successful employee motivation and performance enhancement (Burke, 2010). This paper will examine the throughput variables of Industrial Services of America Inc. and how their interaction influences employee motivation and performance. Industrial Services of America is a company that is in the recycling business majoring in metal recycling. This business is quite competitive in the United Sta tes, and this exposes ISA to potential business risks and stiff competition from some of the established recycling companies. This problem is compounded by the fact that the economy is unfavorable for the market; therefore, the company’s returns are adversely affected. ISA management has resorted to employee motivation using throughput variable interaction to influence employee motivation and enhance performance. This increases the work output of employees thus increasing the returns of the company. Throughput Variables used by ISA Mission and Strategy The mission and strategy of ISA emphasizes on consistent and clarity in communication that are essential for the company’s success. The senior management believes in forming a mission and vision statement that is celebrated by both the public and the employees. To ensure that employees celebrate the strategy and the mission of the organization, the teams that create it must consider the opinions of the employees in the p rocess. Studies have shown that those organizations that have involved teams at all levels in mission and strategic planning increase an employee’s motivation to the success of the organization. Through wide consultations and public debate, the employees’ individual needs and divergent views are listened to without reprimand. This process motivates employees because it makes them valued and thus dissipating any hidden rebellion or resistance to management (Sharma, 2006). Individual needs and values As aforementioned, an individual’s need for satisfaction influences their motivation. ISA is like a society with employees with a diverse background. This translates to different needs and values among the company’s employees, which makes it vital for the organization to enhance its ability to meet the different needs of the employees. ISA identifies the values and needs of its employees through integrating them in the process of major decision-making. The comp any has a culture in which the management mingles freely with the junior employees besides the use of effective feedback mechanisms that are employed. The feedback mechanisms used by the company are essential for job enhancement decisions taken by the management. Job enhancement and enrichment boost employee motivation. This is because the meeting of the employees’

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Performance Appraisal System In Nokia

Performance Appraisal System In Nokia This report is aimed at critically analysing the performance appraisal and their strategic implications in contemporary firms operating in turbulent and changing business environment, requiring valuable, rare and inimitable business processes to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. In order to achieve the aim of this report, the researcher has chosen Nokia, the Finnish telecom giant that has been highlighted as the best telecommunication company to work for by Forbes International (Datamonitor, 2009). The company is also among one of the largest in terms of market capitalisation within Europe and therefore owes much to the Finnish national culture within its management, especially human resource management. Drawing upon Times (2005), the company has its modest roots as one of the many forestry firms a century ago in Finland; however it has evolved over the years through its effective human resource policies to employ more than 50,000 people across the globe with operations span ning all the developed, emerging and developing economies. It has been argued by Nokia (2009a) that people policies have played an important role in the rise of the firm within telecommunication sector that required high degree of creativity and innovation by its employees and workforce. The company is among the few firms within telecommunication industry that has profit margins in excess of 20% to 25% for more than a decade, which have not been effected by the fierce competition by other firms in contemporary firms (Nokia, 2009b). It can therefore be highlighted that intellectual capital has been one of the key source of achieving these efficiencies and effectiveness within the business that have been translated into sustainable competitive advantage. Nokia Organisational Background: Nokia has held the leadership position within the global mobile handset sector for more than a decade, which has however been challenged at different points in time by a range of other manufacturers but the company has evolved its business model to align itself with the changing business environment. Drawing upon Datamonitor (2009), the company has diversified into related business in the wake of stiff competition from value and luxury segments, therefore requiring both high degree of differentiation and cost leadership by the firm. The company is currently actively pursuing its position within telecommunication equipment, TV set-top boxes, and mobile telephony software and hardware development. In the light of Nokia (2009c), the company has its roots like many other traditional Finnish companies within forestry in 1865, however the company evolved over the decades and become one of the leading players in mobile technology in 1960s. It is argued by Pollitt (2004) that the key changes within strategy of the firm came in 1980s when senior management become focused on developing intellectual capital and retaining high performance of the company, which was coupled with public offerings of the firm. The company became part of the global corporations after starting trading in London (1987), Frankfurt (1988) and New York (1994). The company has acquired a number of firms during its evolution and has strategically accumulated the human resources from these firms, which has again benefited from its performance appraisals, pay-for-performance, and talent retention strategies, which have been critically analysed in this report. Human Resource Strategy: Nokia has been highlighted by both academic and commercial literature as one of the organisations that can be used for comparison and benchmarking due to the fact that it is flat structured and networked across its global operations (Christopher, 1995). This structure of the firm has led to the fact that it is agile and flexible to grab any window of opportunity that appears within the business environment of the firm. This structure has been aligned with the corporate strategy of the firm to achieve broad market competitive focus within the market that has underlying differentiation competitive advantage in terms of Porters Generic Strategies, which can be illustrated as follows: Cost Leadership Differentiation Focus Narrow Target Broad Target Lower Cost Differentiation Competitive Advantage Competitive Scope Nokias Position on Porters Generic Strategies Adapted from Porter (1985) Strategic Core Strategic Periphery * It can be argued that in order to achieve the strategic aim and objectives of the firm to become an agile and flexible entity that can achieve competitive advantage, the firm required a robust human resource strategy that is in line with these changes. Drawing upon Briscoe Schuler (2004), there has been radical change within the HRM strategy of the company after the appointment of Mr. Jorma Ollila as the CEO of the firm in 1992, who initiated the pay-for-performance concept within the company. The philosophy behind the refocus of the HRM strategy has been to create a compensation mechanism that in aligned with the performance and hard work of employees, therefore motivating employees to achieve the key performance indicators that are assigned to them. This was aligned with the Nokia Way, the values of the firm, which were defined to incorporate performance of employees as one of the key in achieving overall objectives of the firm. It has been argued by Nokia (2009d) that Nokia Way h as been seen as the common glue that has held the HRM strategy of the firm aligning it with the business environment. There has been significant discussion within literature highlighting the best fit approach of the company towards its retaining talent through appraisals and compensations that are effective and efficient. Performance Management and Nokia: The Nokia Way has been highlighted within the literature as one of the key documents consolidating the HRM strategy of Nokia and it is this document that has highlighted retention of high performers. Drawing upon Stanley et al (2000), it can be argued that the document is no different from HRM policies presented by many other organisations; however the way in which it is processed on day to day activities has been highlighted as the key advantage of the firm. Drawing upon Nokia (2009a), performance of individuals working within Nokia is undertaken from a range of dimensions, but three of them are considered very important, which include: (a) overall customer satisfaction added by the individual; (b) respect for others within the team; and (c) achievements of individuals and their continuous learning. The literature has highlighted that there has been number of issues within management of performance of individuals and their appraisals within companies. Drawing upon Rutter (2002), within Nokia managers and employees have been given high degree of independence in developing the dimensions into quantifiable goals, aims and objectives, which can therefore be related to the overall performance of their team, department and the organisation. This has been because of the initiative of the company to keep entrepreneurism alive within the firm, where the focus is on getting things done rather than follow prescriptive steps and procedures. According to Lynn (2002), these characteristics of performance appraisal have been achieved through a range of in-house programs, which include: listening to you, investing in you and pay-for-performance. The aim of these programs can be seen to be aligned with the overall business strategy of achieving high degree of efficiency and effectiveness of the business, which would therefore help create value for the stakeholders. Erik Jonathan (1995) have argued that all these programs are a means to an end i.e. to develop an integrated system of performance goals setting, development of strategies to achieve these goals, and quantification of the overall performance. It should be noted that in order for the seamless flow of performance management between these different programs, the culture of the company plays an important role. This is the reason that the company has developed a team orientated internally competitive culture, which deters negative implications of the competition, howe ver highlighting the positive aspects of it to achieve strategic goals and values. The performance management of the firm also has been expanded into other reigns of HRM, which can be highlighted from the diversity management within the firm. Drawing upon Briscoe Schuler (2004), it can be argued that the business environment of the company highlights that there is high number of diversity within the demands of the customers across the national markets. In order to fulfil these demands, the company should mimic the business environment in its internal business environment, making its resources and competencies aligned with it. This according to Nokia (2009d) can be achieved through the diversity management and planning of the firm that require performance appraisals to include features and quantification of diversity of thinking. There are number of characteristics that have been highlighted within the literature surrounding performance management in terms of diversity inclusion and management. However, Rutter (2002) has highlighted that it should be achieved at pr oduct, functional and cultural level, therefore providing the direction for companies to use and include in their performance management. The performance appraisals also have to include the achievement of individuals within corporate social responsibility (CSR) area, which has become one of the key criteria for performance at corporate level. Drawing upon Nokia (2009a), in 2009 the company has highlighted that reducing its carbon footprint and making employees to volunteer for educational sectors in developing countries would be included into the performance appraisals of the employees. This would help the firm in achieving high degree of strategic alignment with the current demands of firms to be responsible for the extended social and environmental issues within national and international economies, where they operate. It can therefore be argued that performance appraisals within Nokia are used as strategic tools, which can help achieve the extended aims and objectives of the firm. It has been argued that these appraisals has helped the firm in retaining intellectual capital that is aligned with the overall philosophy and Nokia Way, which have been at the heart of developing sustainable competitive advantage. It can be argued that performance appraisals undertaken by the firm are valuable, rare and inimitable competency of the firm, which contribute a lot in achieving the overall aim and objectives of the company. Pay for Performance and Motivation: The review of the commercial literature surrounding performance appraisals has highlighted that at Nokia performance, rewards and motivation management are all interlinked with each other, so that there is an integrated component that can be used to achieve the aim and objectives of the firm. It should be noted that the company uses pay-for-performance as the key tool which logically flows from effective and efficient performance appraisal techniques used by the firm. Harry (1999) has argued that one of the key vulnerability of per-for-performance management systems is that performance needs to be constantly monitored across the business and its functions so that the strategy can work in synch with realities on ground. The reward structure other than pay within Nokia has also been designed in a way that performance appraisals and motivation tendencies of individuals feed into the system to achieve optimal results. The key issue that has been faced by the management at Nokia is to analyse the performance appraisals of employees working in different economic and social conditions, therefore making their external environment an important driver in how the compensation is perceived. This is the reason there has been discussion surrounding the overall standardisation of the pay and reward structure in the company or localise it according to the national and regional economic conditions. Nokia being a truly global company has therefore been faced with this issue more so than any other organisation, which also stems into the overall reward management and bias of individuals in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic reward structures. Nokia has therefore taken performance appraisals very seriously, where there are segments within these appraisals, which have been linked with the overall pay and reward structure of the company. It is highlighted that company has included both hard and soft aspects of compensations and rewards in the light of the appraisals (Pfeffer Langton, 1993). Therefore, it can be argued that the appraisals are not only responsible for the development of overall pay of the individual, but also the type and mix of motivational tools that are applied to their particular performance regimes and trends over the months. The performance appraisal process adopted by Nokia has been seen very open, broad focused, yet inclusive of employees and their respective teams. The compensation of individuals within Nokia comprises on the results of these appraisals in the form of pay, bonuses, incentives, company stock options and other benefits. The company uses investing in people (IIP) as an annual meeting between managers and employees, where discussion surrounding their focused function along with broad company goals are discussed, which are then quantified into the key dimensions that are set out in the light of changing business objectives of the firm. It should be noted that Tahvanainen (1998) has conducted an empirical research on the link between performance appraisals and pay structures at Nokia. The research has highlighted that pay structure within Nokia is considered highly competitive in regards with the other competitors, which is based on 360 degree feedback called listening to you, which is an i nformal discussion between different teams, which leads to making them discuss their objectives and negotiate their access to resources and information, which can help them all in achieving their own respective goals and performance objectives. The company has also rolled out the electronic version of IIP, which uses companys intranet to discuss and appraise the performance of virtual teams that uses competencies of individuals across the globe to achieve high degree of efficiency and effectiveness in achieving the overall goals of the firm. Key Recommendations: The critical review of academic and commercial literature surrounding Nokias performance appraisals has been highlighted as a successful model within this report. The critics however argue that in recent developments the company has lost its leadership position within mobile handset sector, which has led to its shifting focus towards other sectors. The strategic development and deployment has both been suggested within the report as key performance indicators of the firm, which has been seen as resulting from open, clear and inclusive performance management and appraisal techniques. In order to further improvise the performance management and its appraisals, the researcher has discussed recommendations in the following discussion. There have been critics that have argued that although Nokia has strategically aligned its performance management with the aims and objectives of the organisation, however there are still key gaps with its alignment with the business environment, which require attention. It can be argued that although pay-for-performance have its motivating capabilities for the high performers, however for the average performing, which are the majority within any organisation, this can act as a demotivating factor. It can be suggested that Nokia, like any other company would have normal distribution of performance among its employees, suggesting that not more than 15% of the total employee population would be in the high or underperforming categories, while the rest of 85% of workforce would fall into the average performance. This, according to Pfeffer Langton (1993) has led to the vulnerability within the organisation to alienate these 85% of the workforce, which would add value into the products a nd services of the company. The performance appraisals should therefore be realistic and standardised across the organisation, where like-for-like comparisons are undertaken, which are abridged between functions to achieve high degree of effectiveness and efficiency. It can be suggested that the open criteria used within the firm, which boils down to the discussion between managers and employees suggest that each appraisal cannot be compared with the other appraisals, therefore making it hard to compare on like-to-like grounds, which can lead to distortion of performance results. It can also be argued that commercial segment of the company has been one of the high performing section across the firm, which can be due to the fact that sales, revenue and profit margins are quantifiable variables, while performance of employees in support functions is much harder to access through tangible performance indicators, which is also true about these functions. This, according to Storey (1992) can add insecurity among the intellectual capital of the firm regarding their job, pay and other benefits received from the firm. It can therefore be highlighted that the company has to provide the security of pay and then add bonus-per-performance on top of that to m ake it more plausible in contemporary uncertain times, with job losses and market failures. The internal competition between teams can lead to deterring forces that would affect the overall performance of the company, as team members would engage themselves in negative activities to undercut access to information and resources for other teams, making the organisation lack efficiency and effectiveness. Conclusive Remarks: In the light of the critical review of literature and practice of Nokia in the field of performance appraisals, it can be argued that this HRM strategy of the firm has become a source of competitive advantage for the firm. It has been found out that pay-for-performance has only been applicable within Nokia due to the effectiveness and efficiency of the performance appraisal systems, which are seen just, clear and inclusive by employees. The fact that the system is inclusive, the report suggests that it acts as an implicit form of motivation for employees to have a competitive internal business environment, where teams compete to achieve high degree of overall performance for the company. It can be argued that performance appraisal strategy of the firm is in line with its broad focused differentiation based corporate strategy, therefore leading to achieve the strategic goals and objectives.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Modest Proposal: The Environment Essay -- essays research papers

Something akin to panic is communicated onto my sterile computer screen, then my furrowed brow and soon my troubled mind when I sit alone, in the dark of my room and explore ideas and possibilities. Turning the light on and the computer off doesn’t dissolve my disturbed mood; nothing does until the outside can creep in and warm me. It’s usually a human voice; something more real than the essays and articles I read on global warming and remote ice caps that melt slowly every year. The fear settles until someone with a weaker sense of reality can convince me that â€Å"something is being done† by environmental scientists and none of it will affect me when I am dust. In just the last fifty years, humans, namely Americans have virtually remodeled the Earth and everything on it. We have changed its landscapes, wind patterns, migration routes, and weather; diminished its greenery and killed its animals. Nature did not seem a force that could be controlled and yet it has been. We are conducting an inadvertent global experiment by changing the face of the entire planet. We are destroying the ozone layer, which allows life to exist on the Earth's surface, clearing the majority of the earth’s forests, and disrupting countless ecosystems. The result has been an unfavorable alteration of the composition of the biosphere and the Earth's heat balance. If we do not slow down our use of fossil fuels and stop destroying the forests, the world will become hotter than it has been in the past million years. This warming will rearrange entire biological communities and cause many species to become extinct. The desperate plight of the environment should by all means be the first priority for every single government and person on this planet. With today’s common knowledge of what might happen in the near future if significant changes aren’t made in the lifestyle of most people it’s hard to understand why 70 million cars continue to vomit their poison into the air everyday. All around the world environmental activists fight to preserve our patches of rain forests and wetlands, as well as protect a variety of fragile but important ecosystems. In all major cities, advocates of environmental conservation annually propose plans with alternative modes of transportation and energy-efficient appliances that will every citizen would be mandated to use. Even if instituted gradually, these ch... ...r. â€Å"Environmental Studies† were the most interesting and abstract words I had ever seen preceding â€Å"High School†. For this reason and the fact that it was near Central Park, I decided to apply and then attend. Because of the central theme of my classes I have been exposed in the shape of special speakers and class discussions to others who share my fear but not my growing sense of hopelessness. Quite recently, it has become more and more important to me that I am a part of the solution for the problems facing the environment. It is fear that I feel when I allow myself to dwell on the ignored warnings and the very complicated mess of problems and impossibilities that plague this planet. I don’t understand why there is even the possibility that one of the last natural, pristine ecosystem, in North America, namely that of Alaska, is in danger of being ruptured by the ever-powerful oil companies. I don’t understand why the heads of state who are infinite ly more knowledgeable than me on the dangers of continued abuse of our gracious home don’t drastically and immediately cause change. I don’t understand why people haven’t listened. I guess it’s because they are not fifteen and scared.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ford Motor Solution Essay

I. Strategic Profile Company overview: Ford Motor Company is one of the largest automobile manufacturers in the world which Henry Ford is the founder. The company manufactures and distributes automobiles in over 200 markets across six continents. The company’s strong brand portfolio gives it a significant competitive advantage. However, less vehicle production in developed markets would reduce demand for the company’s products, and have negatively impacting its financial performance. The Situation Analysis The US auto market was saturated, faced the decrease in product demand and increased competition from foreign manufacturers. Japanese cars such as Toyota, Nissan, and Honda had come and took market share in US market. Because of the rising gasoline price, the demand of customers had shifted from US manufacturers to more fuel efficient car like Japanese car. The economic downturn in US had also affected Ford to face loss. These made Ford sales decrease. Then, Ford has to reduce the cost. Ford has lay off workers, close assembly plants, reduce vehicle models, and restructuring plan. Ford reduced the number of retail outlets from almost 4,400 to 3,424. GM reduced its dealer to 4,500 and Chrysler reduced to 2,311. Most of Ford’s cuts were from larger metropolitan markets and the elimination of the Mercury brand. Also, cut approximately 35% of its Lincoln dealers. Ford also implements ONE Ford plan and its mission is ONE Ford, ONE Team, ONE Plan, and ONE Goal. In order to increase sale, Ford has develop marketing strategy by provide large amount of information about the car such as price, quality and style on the internet for the customers to access to those unlimited information to compare products and choose the vehicles that meet their needs. The General environment Economic: Economic crisis in 2006 that affected all the auto industry. Many of the company had to bankruptcy or close the business. Ford also had to close many factories, lay off workers, and reduce the dealership to save cost. Rising of gasoline prices make it more expensive for consumers. That makes Ford’s sales decline and less revenue returns. Even the economic in US is decrease but because of globalization. It increases the international opportunities to Ford mostly in emerging market such as China and India. Technology: Ford has invested heavily in the development of premium technology to better serve its customers and to improve the safety, security, fuel efficiency, and design. These technologies will help company to save cost, increase reputation, build good image, serve customers want, and can compete with competitors. The Industry environment Five Forces Analysis 1. Threat of new entrants There are many factors that restrict new comers to entry the industry. Being in the automobile manufacture, it required high capital to invest. The companies have to invest a lot in research and development to create new technology all the time. For example; Ford invested $135 million to design, engineer, and manufacture key components for its hybrid, plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles. The companies such as Ford, GM, and Chrysler are all has the reputation in the name itself. And those three are called as the Detroit Three, they claimed about 50.1% of the US auto market in June 2011.So, it is difficult for new rivalry to build the name and compete with. Moreover, they have more experiences and can produce vehicles that more closely matched consumer needs. Even thought, Japanese cars had come to take market share due to the rise up of gasoline price and environment concerns. So, some consumers had turn to them. 2. Threat of substitute products As the population increases and global warming problem, people have found alternative transportation methods such as trolleys, Dial-A-Ride, taxis, bicycles, and walking. Enhancing public transportation systems such as rail systems and subways is to develop urban areas. These might lead private car less necessary to people. Also, we have to be careful of the environment. Therefore, it creates the hybrid engine and fuel saving motor. 3. Bargaining power of suppliers Many suppliers had been close due to the recession. And because suppliers have to cooperate with automobile industry, when automobile companies’ sales reduce suppliers will also affected. Therefore, there are highly competitive in suppliers. Ford chose to make a long term agreement with select strategic global suppliers to obtain best technologies and materials. 4. Bargaining power of buyers The gasoline price is affected the customers to purchase cars. And their preferences are design for car produced and sold. Ford has to concern about the customer living life, style and what they want. So they can provide a car that answer the customers’ want to satisfy them the most. Buyers have power to control the price and design. Ford had used many media methods to reach the customers including newspaper, radio, television advertising, as well as social media. Buyers also make the price competition in industry. Ford had to produce at low cost to sell at low price. 5. Rivalry among competing firms There are high competitions in automobile industry in both domestic and international. There are many competitors in this business. Even, The Detroit Three took a biggest share in market the industry is still growing very fast due to new technology development. The competition from foreign manufacturers such as Toyota, Nissan, and Honda makes its more intense. It forced Ford to compete with others by maintain quality standard, new innovation, energy-efficient in order to increase the revenue and reduce cost. Internal Analysis (SWOT) 1. Strengths Ford has strong brand recognition as they are one of the biggest companies in industry. Ford has huge investment in research and development to create new technology and has capability for engineering. Ford operated business over six continents and has large group of customers in both domestic and international. Ford had wide network of distributors and dealers. The company change to use pull strategy to give higher priority in customer satisfaction and driven by customer demand and preferences. Moreover, Ford gets many awards about technologies they had invented. We can see the success of Ford from the global sales of the latest generation model Fiesta, available on five continents that sold more than 1 million. 2. Weaknesses Ford had recalled about 300,000 cars because of the possible fire danger from engine overheating problems. This might affect the image of Ford and the perception of customer toward company. 3. Opportunities Even the demand for vehicle in US had fell but it can replace by globalization. Ford has made attentions to emerging market in China and India. These two markets expected to grow very fast and become ranking to first three largest markets which have China, India and US. In addition, Ford has joint venture with many companies in foreign to create more strength. The population is now increasing rapidly so demand for car will be higher. And because there are trend of saving fuel, environmental, economic issues and increasing demand for dual fuel vehicles, Ford new hybrid vehicle model will gain a lot of interest. 4. Threats Asian car had come to take market share in US market. The prices of Asian cars are obviously lower. The demand for Japanese car has increase. This made Ford to reduce the price to maintain the market share and had to reduce the cost of production. Economic slowdown in US and Euro zone was also one factor that created Ford net losses. Competitors’ environment

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Selection of Quotes by Julius Kambarage Nyerere

A Selection of Quotes by Julius Kambarage Nyerere Julius Kambarage Nyerere was a well-known politician and activist who served as the president of Tanzania from 1964 to 1985. Though a controversial individual, his efforts as a politician resulted in his status of being the Father of the Nation. He died at the age of 77 in 1999. Quotes In Tanganyika we believe that only evil, Godless men would make the color of a mans skin the criteria for granting him civil rights. The African is not Communistic in his thinking; he is, if I may coin an expression, communitary. Having come into contact with a civilization which has over-emphasized the freedom of the individual, we are in fact faced with one of the big problems of Africa in the modern world. Our problem is just this: how to get the benefits of European society, benefits that have been brought about by an organization based upon the individual, and yet retain Africans own structure of society in which the individual is a member of a kind of fellowship. We, in Africa, have no more need of being converted to socialism than we have of being taught democracy. Both are rooted in our past, in the traditional society which produced us. No nation has the right to make decisions for another nation; no people for another people. In Tanzania, it was more than one hundred tribal units which lost their freedom; it was one nation that regained it. If a door is shut, attempts should be made to open it; if it is ajar, it should be pushed until it is wide open. In neither case should the door be blown up at the expense of those inside. You dont have to be a Communist to see that China has a lot to teach us in development. The fact that they have a different political system than ours has nothing to do with it. [A] man is developing himself when he grows, or earns, enough to provide decent conditions for himself and his family; he is not being developed if someone gives him these things. ...intellectuals have a special contribution to make to the development of our nation, and to Africa. And I am asking that their knowledge, and the greater understanding that they should possess, should be used for the benefit of the society of which we are all members. If real development is to take place, the people have to be involved. We can try to cut ourselves from our fellows on the basis of the education we have had; we can try to carve our for ourselves an unfair share of the wealth of the society. But the cost to us, as well as to our fellow citizens, will be very high. It will be high not only in terms of satisfactions forgone, but also in terms of our own security and well-being. To measure a countrys wealth by its gross national product is to measure things, not satisfactions. Capitalism is very dynamic. It is a fighting system. Each capitalist enterprise survives by successfully fighting other capitalist enterprises. Capitalism means that the masses will work, and a few people, who may not labor at all, will benefit from that work. The few will sit down to a banquet, and the masses will eat whatever is left over. We spoke and acted as if, given the opportunity for self-government, we would quickly create utopias. Instead injustice, even tyranny, is rampant.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Social Consequences Of Divorce In Canada Social Work Essays

The Social Consequences Of Divorce In Canada Social Work Essays The Social Consequences Of Divorce In Canada Social Work Essay The Social Consequences Of Divorce In Canada Social Work Essay Divorce or disintegration of matrimony refers to the concluding expiration of a lawful matrimony through the cancellation of the legal duties and responsibilities of matrimony and besides disintegration of the bonds of marriage between married people. Chiefly, divorce requires a canonic legal procedure either through a justice or other related governments. In most of the European states a divorce is non perceived to be a declaration that a matrimony is void and null or as an revocation but as a cancellation of the matrimonial position of the concerned people or twosome. In states where monogamousness is a jurisprudence, the divorced spouses have the authorization to hold or get married another individual but in the states where polygamy is permitted the divorced adult female has the right to acquire married by another. This research paper is traveling to discourse on how divorce has affected the life opportunities and chances of the Canadian kids and young persons who have had the di vorce experience. The factors to be discussed include the offense or delinquency, limited educational attainment ( school dropout ) jobs associating to socialisation, or other societal jobs ( substance maltreatment ) . Parental divorce causes delinquency or offense behaviour in the affected kids. As we all know that many kids get their behaviours largely from friends or parents. Again kids have a natural attractive force to their parents since birth. Divorce means that a kid may non acquire a corporate parental attention from their parents because they ( parents ) may be excessively busy to pay attending to their kids. Most divorced parents tend to be drowned into the divorce instances of depressions thereby go forthing their kids to make what they want and to be in the company of whoever they please. Lack of parental counsel can motivate kids to deviate from the required societal behaviours hence prosecuting in some juvenile Acts of the Apostless such as maltreatment, hooliganism and larceny in the adjacent places. There are assorted divorce factors that contributes to offense and delinquency besides deficiency of parental counsel, attention and love. One of the factors is the economic conditions which are ever associated with a individual household and which places the kids at greater hazards. This is because kids who do happen their parental fiscal aid unsatisfying may make up ones mind to fend for their ain therefore acquiring involved to the offense state of affairss. It is believable to state that along with the deficiency of stuff ownerships it can do the young person to skid down the slippery incline into the life of delinquency. The other factor is socialisation. This is because the kids shacking with individual parents may non be willing to mix with others and even the parent. This is unlike the kids who are populating with their both parents. Again, some of the parents may be delinquents and their kids will copy from them therefore going delinquents excessively. Another factor is bad vicinities. This is propelled by the fact that many individual parents are non really affluent or even financially stable and they hence end up shacking in low cost ghetto countries wh ereby their kids may be forced by fortunes to be involved in delinquency and offense Acts of the Apostless. The other factor is the ways in which the functionaries and systems from some of the formal establishments such as the constabulary, tribunals and schools respond to the kids from the individual parents households. This is because they tend to comprehend them negatively therefore placing them as delinquents and some so may make up ones mind to be what they are being associated with. The delinquency behaviours in kids from divorced households may be caused by the violent and aggressive behaviours experienced by the kids if the divorce procedure or their parental matrimony was marred by violent and aggressive behaviours ( Kulla, 2006 ) . There is one country which is chiefly affected by divorce and it is evidently the kid s instruction. These effects are chiefly characterized by a kid s bead in public presentation and the kid may besides get down moving out in category. Children exposed to divorce are besides likely to reiterate class at least twice and besides have the likeliness of acquiring expelled or expelled from school at least five times. These two features signify that the kid is holding troubles in get bying with the dislocation of a parent s matrimony. Harmonizing to the survey which was carried out by two Canadian universities ( Alberta and Manitoba ) , the effects of parental divorce could lend to greater school bead out prevalence amid the kids whose parents are acquiring divorced as compared to those whose parents live together. The research depicted that the effects of divorce were much far worse for the childs who went through two or more parental alterations as a consequence of decease, remarriage, divorce and even another divorce. It was estimated that these childs have merely 40-50 % possibility of successfully finishing high school instruction as compared to their opposite numbers from the stable households. Harmonizing to the university research workers 78.4 % of kids who did non undergo parental divorce or rupture completed their instruction in front of their equals who experience a alteration in the household family. The research besides showed that there was no important difference between the childs who experienced the loss of one parent and the 1s experienced one divorce (, 2009 ) . The consequences besides indicated that in these two groups around 60 % received high school sheepskin although merely a few kids who experienced more than two divorced families received high school sheepskin. Lack of academic public presentation and deficiency of schooling brings down the kids s ability to go future professional whereby some may stop up going stealers and ev en manual labourers. Another ground as to why kids from divorced households do no run into their academic ends is the economic strain of the divorcing parents and particularly the tutelary female parent who frequently face post divorce effects. Custodial female parents normally face dramatic economic losingss following divorce that lead to the feelings of emphasis which adversely affect rearing. The divorce is chiefly riotous to the kids because the tutelary parent normally faces a important sum of emphasis in the clip period instantly after the divorce. Economic loss of the tutelary parent affects the instruction of the kids because the kids may alter school may be from good to hapless schools which are associated with poorness and hapless classs. A school that has low criterions of instruction normally produces hapless pupils. Some tutelary parent may even miss adequate money to take their kids to schools and this may be really destructive to the future employment chances of the kid for what office wor k can any one bash without academic documents. Again a kid shacking with the tutelary parents my dislike the sort of new school they have now been moved or transferred to and they therefore can make up ones mind to drop out of school therefore going one of the illiterate people in the society. It should be noted that kids who are sing parental divorce are more likely to drop out of school particularly when there is no communicating between the school and place so that there can be a good coordination if the kid is traveling to be assisted in get bying with the dislocation of the parent s matrimony. Children from the divorced households may besides neglect to make up to their academic ends because some of the kids maintain laughing or even looking down at them. This brings approximately reduced concentration whereby the kid ends up executing ill academically (, 2010 ) . Divorce dramatically affects the socialisation of the several kids. It is tantamount to the hurting of decease of a parent. Divorce ever creates a great loss, unhappiness, confusion and heartache for the kids. For case they hate themselves and the people around them because they believe that they are the cause of the divorce and that their parents do non love them any longer. These kids besides have jobs in school and other societal countries for some have a really low regard to a point that they do non desire to be associated with other kids. Again, they think that are worthless and bad. Some kids tend to dislike association with their parents since they feel that they have let them down and others wish that they were born in stable households. Divorce can impact the kid and the effects may travel up to her maturity impacting countries such as employment relationships or even future matrimony. For case in Canada, teenage and young person females who experience divorce are associated with low regard, promiscuous behaviours such as harlotry, greater delinquent behaviours and normally have troubles in keeping the long- term relationships. They besides experience the great loss of their male parents both personally and emotionally for they feel that they ( male parents ) abandoned them because they are non fond plenty, reasonably adequate and smart plenty. Many kids from the divorced have socialisation jobs because they may miss adequate installations and resources which they used to hold. They may therefore stop up losing their long clip friends therefore missing adequate company to socialise with. There are some societal jobs which are associated with divorce. These include drug maltreatment due to the stressing experiences the kids go through as a consequence of parental divorce. Again, many end up taking drugs because they find them to be better sympathizer to their jobs compared to the people populating around them. Young females may besides prosecute in harlotry where the tutelary parent is incapable of supplying the basic demands. Other male childs and misss will prosecute in some of the activities like delinquency and offense for illustration larceny and hooliganism so that they can make full the shortage of the demands and things that their tutelary parent is unable to supply and which they were used to hold when their household was stable. Some kids may besides copy the violent and aggressive behaviours and utilize them in hassling some of their friends during some of the societal activities for illustration in school, churches and even at cantonments. Divorce can besi des take to decease through self-destruction particularly where the kids fail to get by with the station divorce results. Conclusively, I feel that kids from divorced households may on mean experience more major behavioural and psychological jobs than those kids in the integral households. The troubles that the young person and the kids experience as a consequence of the parental divorce are chiefly contributed by the loss of contact with the parents, emphasis, economic troubles, parental accommodation, interparental struggle and competency. Many divorces hamper the ability of the kids to to the full realize their ends in life due to economic jobs which bar them from progressing their faculty members to the needed criterions. Parental divorce can besides take to offenses and delinquency particularly where the kids do non hold the basic demands which they used to hold. Divorce can besides convey societal jobs such as drug maltreatment, disaffection and harlotry. Parents should guarantee that appropriate steps are taken so that kids are assisted with the station divorce results so that they may non stop u p being lifetime failures.

Monday, November 4, 2019

International Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

International Business Law - Essay Example Case #1 The case is presented within the jurisdiction of an international court of justice. Other countries have joined together to challenge oppose what they term as the annexation of the space country X. Joining them is country Y which may have the same interests as those of country X. They are justified to so do as they as signatories of â€Å"The Outer Space Treaty† which they did sign back in the year 1966 (Zines 2008). The case presented is the opinion of all member treaty was signed for the use and exploration of space was bringing conflicts among the superior state (Zines 2008). It came at a time when technologies were cropping up and great inventions being carried. The main purpose of this treaty was to ensure that weapons of mass destruction like nuclear bombs are not developed in the space. The super power countries don’t have trust in each other and they fear spying on their secrets Country X’s activities are within the provisions of the treaty. The treaty did state clearly that the space is freely accessible to the entire world and to any country that wishes to do so. This country is trying to explore the space scientifically which poses no danger to the world and other countries. It is not clear to the court that no other country has ever tried to intensify their activities in the space. Country X is a busy trying to explore the mysteries that are still hidden to the mankind. It has not in any case breached the terms of the treaty by occupying the space. Other allegations are that the country has put up its flag and claimed about 1000 square meters of the moon. The provision in the treaty is that no any country shall claim ownership on the ownership of space. Therefore, the court orders country X to remove its flag from the space and not to claim ownership of the area they have annexed. The landing station it has built on the moon is to be removed. This treaty did define that the space is free for all nations. However, the country has never been reported to carry out activities that may endanger life in the world. The court is just to order that the country needs to make their activities transparent to the world. The court has also found out that the countries launching complains are having fear of the unknown due to the secretive activities of the accused. Country X has promised to be responsible their activities and there are no complaints of negligence. It is stated clearly in the Outer Space Treaty that â€Å"countries exploring space are responsible and liable for any damage their activities may cause†. The court can conclude from whole proceedings that the accused country has established a base in the space. Reports of weapons and any arms are not there. The complaint brought by the 45 countries though presents the opinions of the world but these countries seem to have conflicts of interests. Take the case of country Y for example; joining the case afterwards. It beats logic how loud this country is launching it’s complain. The world today is being faced by cold war from the superpowers since they are the only ones that have the machinery to reach space. Country Y may be having interests in the in the space. Many decades have passed since man landed in the space. No any other country has ever tried building their base in the space. This country has not touched space objects like the steroids and the orbits. They use their own spaceship to navigate and have never touched the satellites. The court hereby rules that country X is free to explore the space. The case presented is a matter of further consultation among these countries. The decision has been arrived at since the court has found that these countries have common interests. They are all bound by the treaty they signed. Asking the court to exempt country X from space is unjust because a provision in the treaty allows them to do so. T he court, however, compels this country not claim

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Legal Abortion is a Fundamental Right Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 46

Legal Abortion is a Fundamental Right - Essay Example Abortion happened to become one of the most controversial and debated issues of the last decades. It is easy to observe that its advocates and opponents cannot even define this term. Abortion opponents consider the embryo to be a human being, which by no means may be killed. Abortion equals the murder. On the other hand, abortion rights advocates insist that a woman should never be forced to carry an embryo at the expense of her health. The essence of reproductive choice lies in the principle of private autonomy concerning sexuality and fertility. It presupposes conscious and responsible attitude towards these issues. Reproductive rights are expected to provide appropriate social conditions to maintain reproductive health. They became an integral part of many international human rights documents and national legislation. The right to maintain reproductive health is one of the most important reproductive rights. This right becomes exercisable only in case if all the people are provide d with all the modern  methods of family planning. Artificial abortion is certainly one of them. Unfortunately, abortion is an inevitable evil of modern society. Reproductive rights may be considered fundamental, especially for women. According to Angela Devis, one of the first activists of abortion-rights movement, modern women may possess various rights like the right to vote in an election, right to education, and many others, but none of them is worthy unless women possess the right to control their own bodies. The fact that a woman’s life may be inconvertibly changed without her consent cannot be tolerated, especially in case if pregnancy occurs because of deception or sexual violence. The experts of PPFA (Planned Parenthood Federation of America) assure that reproductive choice should by no means be constrained. It should be promoted instead.